IntuitionThat was a beautiful morning. As usual, I woke up early, ate my small breaky and headed to the ocean to catch a few waves before my whole…Dec 17, 2022Dec 17, 2022
Being present in the momentSometimes I go for a surf with my head full of thoughts. I think about the stuff at work, I try to solve some coding puzzles, I try to…Dec 4, 2022Dec 4, 2022
Backfoot surfingI would call myself a self-taught surfer. I’ve been learning how to ride the waves for a long time now, with a few professional lessons at…Nov 20, 2022Nov 20, 2022
You don't know your future selfYears ago, while I was at the University, I never thought about leaving my home country. I didn't speak any foreign language well enough to…Nov 6, 2022Nov 6, 2022
Road to understanding MonadsThey say that once you understand the Monads, first, you lose the ability to explain it, and second, you write a blog post about it. Even…Oct 24, 2022Oct 24, 2022
Contextual securityFinally, we are heading back to Australia. With all my family, we are excited to be back in Down-Under and get back our lives. I can’t wait…Oct 9, 2022Oct 9, 2022
Deep diveI finally had a chance to dive into the deepest pool in Europe. At DeepSpot near Warsaw, you can dive up to 45m, which is way beyond my…Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
My functional pathI started my functional programming journey a while ago. For a couple of years, I’ve had quite a few aha moments discovering new concepts…Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
RelativenessWhen I was a kid, everything seemed far away. In my head, Europe looked like an endless place that was pretty much my whole world. Poland…Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022
Habit breakI’ve been writing a post regularly for a while. Every second Sunday, no matter what was happening, I found some time to sit, reflect and…Aug 14, 2022Aug 14, 2022
Choose the direction, not the destinationThere was a time in the past when I knew what I wanted. I graduated from the uni, and after some thought, I decided I would go to Norway…Jul 5, 2022Jul 5, 2022
Speak it upThis week I’ll be brief. Even briefer than usual because I’m in the middle of a trip. Travel gives a perspective, and meeting new people…Jun 28, 20221Jun 28, 20221
Small ding, significant consequencesThat was a sunny morning at Manly. With my mate, we jumped into the water and tried to make the most out of minor conditions. I caught a…Jun 16, 2022Jun 16, 2022
The first impressionIt was a late May afternoon at Maroubra. As the winter was about to arrive, the days became shorter and shorter, so the sun was nearly…May 29, 2022May 29, 2022
The wisdom from the previous centuryThat was a rainy Thursday afternoon. After a great surf session, I headed to pick up my wetsuit from repair. I broke the zipper, and…May 14, 2022May 14, 2022
The art of failureThat was an excellent piece of code. The solution was concise, composable, highly cohesive, low coupled and open for extensions. I couldn’t…Apr 30, 2022Apr 30, 2022
ConsciousnessIt was a cold morning. I set the alarm for 6 am to wake up for the surf. The sun was about to rise, but it was still dark outside. When I…Apr 17, 2022Apr 17, 2022
You have to f#@king paddle.You might relate to the situation when you walk in front of somebody, crossing your paths, and neither of you knows the intentions of the…Apr 2, 2022Apr 2, 2022
Feedback loopIn the book that I'm reading, Jimmy Carr mentioned the importance of feedback and how comedians use it to improve their game. He points out…Mar 20, 2022Mar 20, 2022
Humble codingA not long time ago, I wrote a beautiful piece of code. I was very proud of how decoupled it was, how flexible and reactive. I iterated…Mar 6, 2022Mar 6, 2022